international oncology
forum «White Nights 2025»

The venue of The Forum has become a unique global scientific platform where the medical community exchanges the latest cancer research to improve the quality of medical care, reduce morbidity and mortality.
In 2021, the Forum was held in an online-only format. Its 232 hours of content - spanning over 7 days from 21-27 June - got 11,500 online views. The Forum covered 608 presentations given by 586 speakers – including 56 international speakers. The 2021 White Nights Forum was watched online in 237 cities and 15 countries. The scientific sessions of the Forum had almost 9,000 online views and the session for patients What do patients with cancer need to know? had more than 2,500 online views on social media sites and platforms.
Welcome remarks were provided by Mr Mikhail Murashko, Healthcare Minister of Russia; Mr Aleksandr Beglov, Governor of Saint Petersburg; Mr Fedro Peccatori, Scientific Director at the European School of Oncology; and Mr Soonman Kwon, President of the Korea Health Industry Development Institute.
The White Nights Forum annually brings together a wide variety of professionals - oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, chemotherapists, radiation therapists, radiologists, geneticists, healthcare administrators, scientists, representatives of NGOs and patient organizations, etc. The Forum also features special sessions for young physicians and researchers who would like to keep abreast of the latest advances in oncology.
With each passing year the Forum is attracting an ever growing number of attendees who are now offered new virtual session formats, including those encouraging the participation of viewers.